Book guilt

We have all had some sort of book guilt at one point or another.  We either have too many books to pick from, some that languish on the TBR pile forever or books that pushed aside for either  a very long series that can’t be put down to old favourites that get re-read too many times to count.

I am guilty of it.  I have more books that I will probably ever get to read, especially at a rate of 150-200 a year. Just the books on my kindle right now would keep me occupied for at least 3.5 to 4 years, that is if I don’t add any more to it.  I have books that are at the bottom of a virtual TBR pile since I first got a Kindle 6 years ago.  So many free reads when I first got my Kindle, I gorged on free books when I came across something even remotely interesting.  I would get it for a rainy day when funds would be tight and congratulated myself on being frugal.  Now that frugality has gone out the window.  Places like Goodreads, Litsy and other social  media book sites along with book blogs overwhelm me now with so many recommendations that I end up with more books that time!  They are also great places to make new book friends and to connect with like minded individuals.  I have made many good book friends through social media and don’t regret the friends I have made, just the amount of books I have hoarded.

So in order to scale the mountain of books I am going to let go of the guilt and cut back on the buying ( Yes I do hear the howls of laughter out there.) It’s either that or be buried under a pile of books or get clumped on top of the head by a falling kindle…… although there are worse ways to go huh?



2 thoughts on “Book guilt

  1. Wow, I SO agree with you. I KNOW for sure I have books for later than 2020 on my list (though I don’t own all of them, and yeah, I probably have a bit more that I downloaded when they were free but I decided I won’t read them anyhow). Last year I was really stressed, nothing to do with reading but it meant I read less than usual, that’s half the reason why I disappeared from my favorite blogs, I just couldn’t handle it. Not the books on my immediate list, not the books waiting to be grabbed out there I see in my blogs and so it was really overwhelming.
    I cut a few out when I did my list for 2017 and generally i only add books that I see great review of. I used to add WAY more, books that just intrigued me. NOPE don’t have time to even schedule those..

    • I’m sorry to hear you had such a stressful year and it’s nice to have you back 🙂

      I recently went through my Kindles, I have two, and culled books that have been on them for more than a year I know I won’t read. There is still a large amount left on both of them but it’s what I had to do to clear it out enough to not be too overwhelming when I sit down to choose my next book.

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